Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Rand Paul for President - Raul Labrador Email

Dear _______,

As a loyal supporter, I wanted you to be one of the first to know that I was named Western States Chairman of Senator Rand Paul's presidential campaign earlier today. 

Here's why I'm supporting Rand Paul for President: 

I was born and raised by a single mother who taught me that if I worked hard, played by the rules, and got an education I could be a success. She often worked multiple jobs to make ends meet. Through hard work and perseverance, I was able to succeed and achieve the American Dream. I graduated from law school and started my own business, married my best friend and have five wonderful children, and it's now my honor to serve the people of Idaho's First Congressional District in the United States Congress. 

But I fear the American Dream is becoming a myth in the eyes of many. We need a leader who will unleash the potential within this country to achieve the American Dream by restoring fiscal sanity, limiting the powers of our federal government, and reviving our Constitutional rights. I believe Rand Paul is that kind of leader, and I am proud to stand with him as seeks to become President of the United States. 

Read the press release here.

Labrador named chairman on Rand Paul's presidential campaign

BOISE, Idaho (AP) - Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul has selected Idaho Congressman Raul Labrador to as the campaign's western states chairman.
Paul's campaign announced Wednesday that Labrador will campaign for the Kentucky Republican including Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Idaho and Arizona.
Labrador has served as a Republican congressman in Idaho since 2010.
The two politicians have long been considered tea party favorites.
In a statement, Paul praised Labrador's defense of the Constitution as a primary reason he was selected, adding that the congressman also has experience living across the western part of the United States.
Labrador added that he's supporting Paul because of his conservative fiscal values and promise to limit the powers of the federal government.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Live! Rand Paul on the NSA/Patriot Act

Live streaming

Live updates

Summer Meeting Events Invitation

The Idaho Republican Party Cordially invites you to the 
Join us for an exciting series of events featuring special guests including presidential candidate Senator Marco Rubio!  
Friday Luncheon
Guest Speaker:  To Be Announced
Location: Shilo Inn, Idaho Falls
Time: 11:00A - 1:00P
Central Committee Member Ticket Price: $20
General Ticket Price: $35
"Day at the Range" Shoot 
Special Guests:  Senator Mike Crapo, Senator Jim Risch
Location: Guns N Gear  1315 Crane Dr, Idaho Falls 83402
Time: 2P - 4:30P
Ticket Price: $100
(includes all gun rentals, ammunition, bay rentals, targets, unlimited access to gun simulator, and refreshments) 
visit: to learn more about this impressive facility and staff
VIP Reception and Dinner
Keynote Speaker: Senator Marco Rubio
Location: Shilo Inn, Idaho Falls - Idaho Room
VIP Reception Time: 5:30P - 6:30P
Reception Ticket Price: $200
Dinner Time: 6:30P - 9:00P
Central Committee Member Ticket Price: $50
General Ticket Price: $100
Saturday Luncheon
Guest Speaker:  To Be Announced
Location: Shilo Inn, Idaho Falls
12:30P - 2:30P
Central Committee Member Ticket Price
: $20
General Ticket Price: $35 
visit: or Contact Cathi at 208-284-8068 or for Tickets and Sponsorship Opportunities. 

(Note: State Central Committee Members need to contact Cathi to receive discounted rates)

*Sponsorship Opportunities Available*

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Get an account at Ron Paul Forums/Liberty Forest
A great website to connect with fellow Paulers.
Find me with the user name TylerIdaho!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Dear Fellow Republican,
The Idaho Republican Party is preparing to gear up for the 2015 Summer Meeting as we continue to prepare for victory in 2016.

Following the direction of the Resolutions that were passed at the Winter Meeting, we continue to work closely with Republican members of the Legislature on issues that are important to Idaho Republicans.

We are pleased to announce that the 2015 Idaho Republican Summer Meeting will be taking place in Idaho Falls at the Shilo Inn on June 5th & 6th 2015. We will be announcing further details as we get closer to the meeting.

We aim to make the Summer Meeting a large and meaningful event; filled with training sessions, meetings, our normal business, and lastly several large events that will be keynoted by national figures. The Summer Meeting will culminate in a "Faith and Family" dinner/forum on Saturday evening. We have invited many prominent national figures, including Presidential aspirants, to come and we are working on following up with several who have expressed interest in participating. With that, plan on the Summer Meeting lasting the whole day Friday and Saturday.

2015 is a year of preparing, training, and raising the necessary resources to build a strong foundation for victory in 2016. Our efforts for 2016 aim to win more local races for Republicans, expand our grassroots base, and position Idaho to be a meaningful player in electing a Republican President in 2016.

To do this, we continue to build a strong State Party that: welcomes and gives voice to all Republicans; bridges grassroots and governance priorities, where we work with our elected leaders and our elected leaders are responsive to the party; restores its financial health; applies simple, clear, and well trained rules evenly to all; has our values and platform advanced in positive and successful ways.

With your continued support, we will be able to accomplish these goals. By working together, we can and will expand the Republican cause in Idaho and take back the White House in 2016.

As I mentioned at the Winter Meeting, our Monthly Donor Clubs (the Grassroots Club $9/month and the Ivory 500 Club $42/month) are vital components to restoring the financial health of the State Party. These rewarding clubs are an easy method for everyone to invest in the party in a meaningful way. If every officer within the Party, from Precinct committeeman on up, would participate in just the Grassroots Club, the State Party would never have to raise another dime to cover the operating expenses of the Party. Please consider joining one of our Monthly Donor Clubs and keep the Idaho Republican Party a truly grassroots-fed party of the people, by the people, and for the people. I sincerely thank the many State Central Committee members who already have joined since the Winter Meeting.

Please join me in this endeavor of building up our Idaho GOP and preparing in 2015 for Victory in 2016 as we continue to keep Idaho among the reddest of red states and putting conservative principles into action.

With the Lincoln Day circuit already underway, I look forward to visiting with you at these great events and receiving your feedback on any way we can improve. If you have any feedback, whether it be about the Summer Meeting or on how we did at the winter meeting, please let us know..
God Bless,
Steve Yates
Idaho Republican Party
Blog Note: I do  know that they have invited big name Republicans that are running for president. No word yet (5/12/2015) on who this includes. Hopeful this includes Rand Paul.
Blog Note: Marco Rubio will be the guest speaker this year.