Message from the Chairman: Summer Meeting Recap
Dear Fellow Republican,
The 2015 Idaho Republican Party Summer Meeting was a major success! What a great weekend, filled with productive meetings, training, and several substantive and fun events! Major accomplishments were achieved as our State Central Committee and members from across the state gathered and conducted the business of the Summer Meeting--unified in our goal to advance conservative values in this great state.
Senator Marco Rubio presented the keynote message relaying a strong and positive vision for America. It was a pleasure to hear him speak to a packed room of over 350 Idahoans who are eager to see a Republican in the White House. A visit by a presidential candidate at our Summer Meeting is historic and we look forward to many more candidates coming and sharing their vision in Idaho.
The Idaho Young Republicans and our U.S. Senators hosted a "Day at the Range" shoot at the Guns N' Gear range in Idaho Falls. It was an exciting event that put our second amendment principles into action.
Training for Central Committee members was conducted Saturday afternoon where participants learned about parliamentary procedure, using the GOP Data Center, and the basics of a precinct committee person. It is our goal to continue providing training to help prepare our grassroots for success.
The Rules, Resolutions, and Executive Committees met, deliberated and worked through their areas of responsibility in a fair and respectful process. I thank and commend those who serve on committees for their hard work and dedication.
The State Central Committee approved rule changes to officially switch the Party from caucus to an early presidential primary on March 8th. Canyon County was chosen as the location for the 2016 State Convention after the State Central Committee considered bids from both Canyon and Madison County.
The work of building a strong foundation in 2015 for victory in 2016 continues. By preparing now through raising funds, training, building and expanding our grassroots base; we will accomplish our goals of winning more local races for Republicans, taking back the White House in 2016, and ultimately having our ideals that make us Republican translated into positive and successful principles in government.
I am encouraged by the many dedicated Republicans across Idaho who are committed to the work of the party and I look forward to continuing working with each of you to strengthen and build the Idaho Republican Party.
I hope to see you at the annual Night at the Hawks event on August 19th in Boise and at the Winter Meeting January 8th & 9th. As always, if you have any feedback on how we can improve or if you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or the Party Headquarters at 208-343-6405.
Steve Yates, Chairman
Idaho Republican Party
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