Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky will be touring Idaho on August 26th and 27th.
Below are the scheduled stops as part of Senator Paul's Idaho Tour, all stops and events are open to the public and media:
Coeur d'Alene, ID
Wednesday, August 26th, 2015 at 6:30pm (PDT)
Schuler Performing Arts Center at North Idaho College
1000 W. Garden Ave. Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814
Contact: Judy Gowen,
For more information:
Boise, ID
Thursday, August 27th, 2015 at 11:30am (MDT)
Boise State University (Student Union Building - Bishop Barnwell Room)
1700 University Drive Boise, ID 83706
Contact: Judy Gowen,
For more information:
Nampa, ID
Thursday, August 27th, 2015 at 2:45pm (MDT)
Nampa Civic Center
311 3rd St. S
Nampa, ID 83651
Contact: Judy Gowen,
For more information:
Idaho Falls, ID
Thursday, August 27th, 2015 at 6-7pm (MDT) Social Hour, 7-9pm Program
Region VII Republicans 44th Annual BBQ
The Riverbend Ranch
2880 N. 55 W.
Idaho Falls, ID 83402
Tickets are $30 advance/$35 at door
Contact: Stephanie Gifford, 425-890-1771
For more information:
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Rand Paul Coming to Idaho!
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Rand Paul coming to Idaho
Rand Paul plans on coming to Idaho August 27 to BSU,NNU, and Idaho Falls at their District 7 BBQ. More details to follow. #idahostandswithrand #standwithrand
Monday, July 13, 2015
Ada County for Rand Paul
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Summer Meeting Recap from IDGOP
Message from the Chairman: Summer Meeting Recap
Dear Fellow Republican,
The 2015 Idaho Republican Party Summer Meeting was a major success! What a great weekend, filled with productive meetings, training, and several substantive and fun events! Major accomplishments were achieved as our State Central Committee and members from across the state gathered and conducted the business of the Summer Meeting--unified in our goal to advance conservative values in this great state.
Senator Marco Rubio presented the keynote message relaying a strong and positive vision for America. It was a pleasure to hear him speak to a packed room of over 350 Idahoans who are eager to see a Republican in the White House. A visit by a presidential candidate at our Summer Meeting is historic and we look forward to many more candidates coming and sharing their vision in Idaho.
The Idaho Young Republicans and our U.S. Senators hosted a "Day at the Range" shoot at the Guns N' Gear range in Idaho Falls. It was an exciting event that put our second amendment principles into action.
Training for Central Committee members was conducted Saturday afternoon where participants learned about parliamentary procedure, using the GOP Data Center, and the basics of a precinct committee person. It is our goal to continue providing training to help prepare our grassroots for success.
The Rules, Resolutions, and Executive Committees met, deliberated and worked through their areas of responsibility in a fair and respectful process. I thank and commend those who serve on committees for their hard work and dedication.
The State Central Committee approved rule changes to officially switch the Party from caucus to an early presidential primary on March 8th. Canyon County was chosen as the location for the 2016 State Convention after the State Central Committee considered bids from both Canyon and Madison County.
The work of building a strong foundation in 2015 for victory in 2016 continues. By preparing now through raising funds, training, building and expanding our grassroots base; we will accomplish our goals of winning more local races for Republicans, taking back the White House in 2016, and ultimately having our ideals that make us Republican translated into positive and successful principles in government.
I am encouraged by the many dedicated Republicans across Idaho who are committed to the work of the party and I look forward to continuing working with each of you to strengthen and build the Idaho Republican Party.
I hope to see you at the annual Night at the Hawks event on August 19th in Boise and at the Winter Meeting January 8th & 9th. As always, if you have any feedback on how we can improve or if you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or the Party Headquarters at 208-343-6405.
Steve Yates, Chairman
Idaho Republican Party
Monday, June 22, 2015
If Rand Paul wins, so does Labrador
If Rand Paul wins, so does Labrador
Posted: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 12:00 am | Updated: 12:38 am, Wed Jun 17, 2015.
CHUCK MALLOY/Guest Opinion | 0 comments
Congressman Raul Labrador, the only member of Idaho's congressional delegation to endorse someone in the GOP presidential race, may have learned something about himself when sitting on the sidelines four years ago as candidates were posturing for the 2012 election.
First, he's not much of one for sitting on the sidelines. He went to Congress in 2011, promising to make a lot of noise, and not taking up space. He has kept his word - often blasting away at the political establishment of both parties.
The second thing he might have learned is that sideline sitting does nothing for him, personally or politically. Being a non-entity in almost anything, especially a presidential race, does not fit his personality.
So it's no surprise that Labrador has endorsed Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul. And it's no surprise that Paul appointed Labrador to head his campaign in the western states. Politically, it's a match made in heaven - or in the other direction, depending on your political perspective.
But, what's Labrador's end game? Labrador says if Paul moves to the White House, he'd be able to pick up the phone and say, "Hey, Mr. President, I have an issue that's important ..."
That would be nice, of course. But Labrador is not one to be satisfied with collecting private cellphone numbers. He tends to look for bigger prizes, and a Rand Paul victory could provide the ticket. If Labrador turns out to be Paul's kingmaker in the western states, there are several possibilities within a Paul administration - including a cabinet position. Or, Labrador could have more leverage in the House as the president's chief ally on Capitol Hill. If Labrador is traveling to other states and speaking on behalf of the candidate, it only raises Labrador's profile. One thing he likes is a high profile.
Labrador leaves himself an escape in case Paul doesn't win. He talks glowingly about the quality of candidates in the race. "For the first time in my adult life, I feel like I am picking the best of the best candidates, instead of the best of the worst."
Of course, Labrador wouldn't have the same clout with Sen. Marco Rubio or Gov. Scott Walker if they happened to win the GOP nod. But Labrador still could come out with a higher profile and expanded following - which makes him a winner no matter what.
For now, Labrador's focus is helping his guy win the nomination. Endorsing Paul makes sense. Both are relatively young turks who want to turn Washington on its ear and show that it's possible to be forward-looking, and a conservative.
"He understands that we are about the future, and not the past," Labrador said. "He's serious about solving problems. There are people in Washington who play lip service, but are unwilling to do the hard things."
Moreover, Labrador said, "I think he's the candidate who is in the best position to actually win a national election. In five of the last six presidential elections, we have lost the popular vote, and Republicans need to remember that. We cannot continue as a party to lose the popular vote, or we will never have a Republican in the White House. Rand Paul can bring new people and new energy into the party."
Yeah, but ... how about the family bloodline? Jeb Bush, viewed as the political establishment's front-runner at the moment, is part of a political dynasty. Rand Paul's dad is Ron Paul, who barely made a dent in his presidential run. His partial claim to fame was being on the wrong side of 433-2 votes with one-time Idaho Rep. Helen Chenoweth.
Labrador thinks voters will learn quickly that Rand Paul is not his father, any more than Jeb Bush is a new version of George H.W. Bush. "Some philosophies and ideas may be similar, but I think Rand has a more grounded view of the world." Labrador thinks the more that Americans get to know Paul through the debates, the more they will like him.
Labrador describes Paul as "my kind of conservative." No doubt, Labrador is the kind of fireball Paul wants stumping for him.
Regardless of how all this plays out, one thing is for certain. What Labrador is doing is a lot more gratifying than sitting on the sidelines.
Chuck Malloy is a native Idahoan and longtime political reporter and editorial writer. He is a former political editor with the Post Register of Idaho Falls and a former editorial writer with the Idaho Statesman. He may be contacted at:
Monday, June 8, 2015
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Idaho’s Labrador, late to endorse in 2012 presidential race, jumps in early to support Rand Paul
bdentzer@idahostatesman.comJune 1, 2015
In 2012, Raul Labrador waited until April before endorsing Mitt Romney for president. By then, Romney had rolled his GOP primary competition and was the party’s presumptive nominee.
This election, the second-term congressman from Idaho with the outsized national profile isn’t waiting for the first-act curtain to drop.
Labrador is backing Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul in the crowded race for the Republican presidential nomination and last week was named Paul’s Western states campaign chairman. The two were first elected to Congress in 2010 and both appeal, in Paul’s words, to “people who are not only upset about big government, but also about big-government Republicans.”
“He and I are good friends,” Paul told the Statesman on Thursday, from a campaign swing through Iowa. “I think we see the world in similar fashion.”
What Labrador brings to Paul’s effort, in addition to western roots and rising national prominence, is his appeal with libertarian-leaning conservatives and his ability to articulate the smaller-is-better case on government.
Labrador also pulls the Hispanic community and the LDS church. Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada and Arizona, in that order, are the most Mormon states in the country by percentage, and church members are overwhelmingly Republican — 3-1 over Democrats, according to a 2012 study by the Pew Research Center.
Born in Puerto Rico, Labrador moved to Las Vegas as a child, graduating from Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, and the University of Washington School of Law in Seattle. Paul said he embodies many of the “commonalities” embraced by people in the West.
“People went west to be free of big government,” Paul said. “They went west because they were independent. They went west because sometimes their religion was persecuted.”
The consensus of early polling in the crowded GOP presidential race has Paul running fifth with about 9 percent. He trails Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (15 percent), Florida Sen. Marco Rubio (13 percent), former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (10.5 percent) and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson (10.2 percent). Paul leads 10 other potential or announced candidates, including former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.
Recent national polling and analysis shows Paul’s appeal ebbing somewhat over the past year as he has sought to broaden his resume and appeal to mainstream Republicans. He has moderated his isolationist leanings on foreign policy to bolster his credentials with the GOP establishment.
At the same time, Paul has gone all-in on opposing extension of the Patriot Act, which expires today, over its broad citizen surveillance. Among those who have praised Paul’s stand: NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.
Not waiting
Labrador acknowledged an “inherent risk” in committing to a candidate so early in the cycle, but said he “waited too long” in 2012, which limited his influence.
“I kind of waited to the end,” Labrador said. This year, he said, “I saw this huge group of people that are running for president, and there’s a lot of really good ones. In fact, for the first time in my adult life I’m excited about more than one person.”
Paul, he said, was the candidate “who most closely reflected the values of Idaho and the West and could really appeal to a lot of new people, which is what we’re going to need if we’re going to win the election.”
Labrador and Paul said Labrador would advise on issues and positioning and serve as the candidate’s regional surrogate and representative. A Paul visit to Idaho is being planned.
“There are two areas where people are concerned about (Paul),” Labrador said. “They don’t think he can beat Hillary (Clinton). But he’s the one who’s performing the best right now against Hillary in some of the blue states.”
The second area is foreign policy, Labrador said. Paul embraces a “peace through strength” deterrence strategy over direct intervention.
If Paul’s candidacy falters in the primaries, Labrador said, he would be “100 percent supportive” of the eventual Republican nominee.
“I’m going to be very excited to support whoever the candidate is,” he said.
Paul has endorsements from about a dozen current and former members of Congress, most prominent among them fellow Kentucky senator and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.
The rest of Idaho’s congressional delegation, Rep. Mike Simpson and Sens. Jim Risch and Mike Crapo, said last week they had not yet picked a candidate to support. Risch, through a spokeswoman, said it was “much too soon to tell” when he would.
Crapo, up for re-election in 2016, said he was “primarily interested in just watching and working with all of (the candidates) to try to get through this primary process.”
“I am not one of those who’s worried about the fact that we have a number of candidates in a very robust primary,” he said. “At this point there are a number of them that I really like.”
Read more here:
Read more here:
Read more here:
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Rand Paul for President - Raul Labrador Email
Dear _______,
As a loyal supporter, I wanted you to be one of the first to know that I was named Western States Chairman of Senator Rand Paul's presidential campaign earlier today.
Here's why I'm supporting Rand Paul for President:
I was born and raised by a single mother who taught me that if I worked hard, played by the rules, and got an education I could be a success. She often worked multiple jobs to make ends meet. Through hard work and perseverance, I was able to succeed and achieve the American Dream. I graduated from law school and started my own business, married my best friend and have five wonderful children, and it's now my honor to serve the people of Idaho's First Congressional District in the United States Congress.
But I fear the American Dream is becoming a myth in the eyes of many. We need a leader who will unleash the potential within this country to achieve the American Dream by restoring fiscal sanity, limiting the powers of our federal government, and reviving our Constitutional rights. I believe Rand Paul is that kind of leader, and I am proud to stand with him as seeks to become President of the United States.
Read the press release here.
Sincerely,As a loyal supporter, I wanted you to be one of the first to know that I was named Western States Chairman of Senator Rand Paul's presidential campaign earlier today.
Here's why I'm supporting Rand Paul for President:
I was born and raised by a single mother who taught me that if I worked hard, played by the rules, and got an education I could be a success. She often worked multiple jobs to make ends meet. Through hard work and perseverance, I was able to succeed and achieve the American Dream. I graduated from law school and started my own business, married my best friend and have five wonderful children, and it's now my honor to serve the people of Idaho's First Congressional District in the United States Congress.
But I fear the American Dream is becoming a myth in the eyes of many. We need a leader who will unleash the potential within this country to achieve the American Dream by restoring fiscal sanity, limiting the powers of our federal government, and reviving our Constitutional rights. I believe Rand Paul is that kind of leader, and I am proud to stand with him as seeks to become President of the United States.
Read the press release here.
Labrador named chairman on Rand Paul's presidential campaign
BOISE, Idaho (AP) - Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul has selected Idaho Congressman Raul Labrador to as the campaign's western states chairman.
Paul's campaign announced Wednesday that Labrador will campaign for the Kentucky Republican including Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Idaho and Arizona.
Labrador has served as a Republican congressman in Idaho since 2010.
The two politicians have long been considered tea party favorites.
In a statement, Paul praised Labrador's defense of the Constitution as a primary reason he was selected, adding that the congressman also has experience living across the western part of the United States.
Labrador added that he's supporting Paul because of his conservative fiscal values and promise to limit the powers of the federal government.
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Friday, May 22, 2015
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Live! Rand Paul on the NSA/Patriot Act
Live streaming
Live updates
Live updates
Summer Meeting Events Invitation
The Idaho Republican Party Cordially invites you to the
Join us for an exciting series of events featuring special guests including presidential candidate Senator Marco Rubio!
Friday Luncheon
Guest Speaker: To Be Announced
Location: Shilo Inn, Idaho Falls
Time: 11:00A - 1:00P
Central Committee Member Ticket Price: $20
General Ticket Price: $35
"Day at the Range" Shoot
Special Guests: Senator Mike Crapo, Senator Jim Risch
Location: Guns N Gear 1315 Crane Dr, Idaho Falls 83402 Time: 2P - 4:30P Ticket Price: $100
(includes all gun rentals, ammunition, bay rentals, targets, unlimited access to gun simulator, and refreshments)
visit: to learn more about this impressive facility and staff
![]() |
VIP Reception and Dinner
Keynote Speaker: Senator Marco Rubio Location: Shilo Inn, Idaho Falls - Idaho Room VIP Reception Time: 5:30P - 6:30P Reception Ticket Price: $200 Dinner Time: 6:30P - 9:00P Central Committee Member Ticket Price: $50 General Ticket Price: $100 |
Saturday Luncheon
Guest Speaker: To Be Announced
Location: Shilo Inn, Idaho Falls
Time: 12:30P - 2:30P Central Committee Member Ticket Price: $20
General Ticket Price: $35
visit: or Contact Cathi at 208-284-8068 or for Tickets and Sponsorship Opportunities.
(Note: State Central Committee Members need to contact Cathi to receive discounted rates)
*Sponsorship Opportunities Available*
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Get an account at Ron Paul Forums/Liberty Forest
A great website to connect with fellow Paulers.
Find me with the user name TylerIdaho!
A great website to connect with fellow Paulers.
Find me with the user name TylerIdaho!
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Dear Fellow Republican,
The Idaho Republican Party is preparing to gear up for the 2015
Summer Meeting as we continue to prepare for victory in 2016.
Following the direction of the Resolutions that were passed at the Winter Meeting, we continue to work closely with Republican members of the Legislature on issues that are important to Idaho Republicans.
We are pleased to announce that the 2015 Idaho Republican Summer Meeting will be taking place in Idaho Falls at the Shilo Inn on June 5th & 6th 2015. We will be announcing further details as we get closer to the meeting.
We aim to make the Summer Meeting a large and meaningful event; filled with training sessions, meetings, our normal business, and lastly several large events that will be keynoted by national figures. The Summer Meeting will culminate in a "Faith and Family" dinner/forum on Saturday evening. We have invited many prominent national figures, including Presidential aspirants, to come and we are working on following up with several who have expressed interest in participating. With that, plan on the Summer Meeting lasting the whole day Friday and Saturday.
2015 is a year of preparing, training, and raising the necessary resources to build a strong foundation for victory in 2016. Our efforts for 2016 aim to win more local races for Republicans, expand our grassroots base, and position Idaho to be a meaningful player in electing a Republican President in 2016.
To do this, we continue to build a strong State Party that: welcomes and gives voice to all Republicans; bridges grassroots and governance priorities, where we work with our elected leaders and our elected leaders are responsive to the party; restores its financial health; applies simple, clear, and well trained rules evenly to all; has our values and platform advanced in positive and successful ways.
With your continued support, we will be able to accomplish these goals. By working together, we can and will expand the Republican cause in Idaho and take back the White House in 2016.
As I mentioned at the Winter Meeting, our Monthly Donor Clubs (the Grassroots Club $9/month and the Ivory 500 Club $42/month) are vital components to restoring the financial health of the State Party. These rewarding clubs are an easy method for everyone to invest in the party in a meaningful way. If every officer within the Party, from Precinct committeeman on up, would participate in just the Grassroots Club, the State Party would never have to raise another dime to cover the operating expenses of the Party. Please consider joining one of our Monthly Donor Clubs and keep the Idaho Republican Party a truly grassroots-fed party of the people, by the people, and for the people. I sincerely thank the many State Central Committee members who already have joined since the Winter Meeting.
Please join me in this endeavor of building up our Idaho GOP and preparing in 2015 for Victory in 2016 as we continue to keep Idaho among the reddest of red states and putting conservative principles into action.
With the Lincoln Day circuit already underway, I look forward to visiting with you at these great events and receiving your feedback on any way we can improve. If you have any feedback, whether it be about the Summer Meeting or on how we did at the winter meeting, please let us know..
Following the direction of the Resolutions that were passed at the Winter Meeting, we continue to work closely with Republican members of the Legislature on issues that are important to Idaho Republicans.
We are pleased to announce that the 2015 Idaho Republican Summer Meeting will be taking place in Idaho Falls at the Shilo Inn on June 5th & 6th 2015. We will be announcing further details as we get closer to the meeting.
We aim to make the Summer Meeting a large and meaningful event; filled with training sessions, meetings, our normal business, and lastly several large events that will be keynoted by national figures. The Summer Meeting will culminate in a "Faith and Family" dinner/forum on Saturday evening. We have invited many prominent national figures, including Presidential aspirants, to come and we are working on following up with several who have expressed interest in participating. With that, plan on the Summer Meeting lasting the whole day Friday and Saturday.
2015 is a year of preparing, training, and raising the necessary resources to build a strong foundation for victory in 2016. Our efforts for 2016 aim to win more local races for Republicans, expand our grassroots base, and position Idaho to be a meaningful player in electing a Republican President in 2016.
To do this, we continue to build a strong State Party that: welcomes and gives voice to all Republicans; bridges grassroots and governance priorities, where we work with our elected leaders and our elected leaders are responsive to the party; restores its financial health; applies simple, clear, and well trained rules evenly to all; has our values and platform advanced in positive and successful ways.
With your continued support, we will be able to accomplish these goals. By working together, we can and will expand the Republican cause in Idaho and take back the White House in 2016.
As I mentioned at the Winter Meeting, our Monthly Donor Clubs (the Grassroots Club $9/month and the Ivory 500 Club $42/month) are vital components to restoring the financial health of the State Party. These rewarding clubs are an easy method for everyone to invest in the party in a meaningful way. If every officer within the Party, from Precinct committeeman on up, would participate in just the Grassroots Club, the State Party would never have to raise another dime to cover the operating expenses of the Party. Please consider joining one of our Monthly Donor Clubs and keep the Idaho Republican Party a truly grassroots-fed party of the people, by the people, and for the people. I sincerely thank the many State Central Committee members who already have joined since the Winter Meeting.
Please join me in this endeavor of building up our Idaho GOP and preparing in 2015 for Victory in 2016 as we continue to keep Idaho among the reddest of red states and putting conservative principles into action.
With the Lincoln Day circuit already underway, I look forward to visiting with you at these great events and receiving your feedback on any way we can improve. If you have any feedback, whether it be about the Summer Meeting or on how we did at the winter meeting, please let us know..
God Bless,
Steve Yates
Idaho Republican Party
Steve Yates
Idaho Republican Party
Blog Note: I do know that they have invited big name Republicans that are running for president. No word yet (5/12/2015) on who this includes. Hopeful this includes Rand Paul.
Blog Note: Marco Rubio will be the guest speaker this year.
Blog Note: Marco Rubio will be the guest speaker this year.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
RLCID Report about Rand Paul at the 2014 IDGOP State Convention
Report by RLCID Region 4 Director, Ryan Davidson
By now you've no doubt heard several reports of what happened at the contentious Idaho Republican State Convention.
But here's a good report you might have missed.
But here's a good report you might have missed.
Senator Rand Paul was the keynote speaker at the convention. Money raised from his dinner banquet speech would be going into the state party coffers. It occurred to me that perhaps we could try to get Sen. Paul to also do an event for the Republican Liberty Caucus of Idaho, where money raised would be going to the group that actually supports his libertarian policy ideals.
I reached out to the campaign, who said that even though nearly every minute of his time in Moscow was booked, that could spare us 20 minutes on Friday evening if I could deliver a good turnout.
I got this confirmation Thursday afternoon.
So with less than 24 hours to plan an event, I got to work building a meet and greet around his schedule.
Of course I had promised a big turnout, but I honestly had no idea if I could get one with such short notice.
RLC members started sending out emails and making facebook posts. I took the mic at a couple of the committee hearings Friday morning to announce the event. And that was about the extent of our promotion.
We decided to make the event free for RLC members, and $5 for everyone else. I booked the "Gold Room" at the convention hotel (the same room Huckabee had been in the night before) and much to my pleasant surprise, the Paul campaign generously offered to pick up the tab for the whole event.
I had originally scheduled the event for one hour (with Rand appearing at the last 20 minutes) but then started to wonder if we might actually get a big crowd, so I changed it to two hours in case we needed more time to process people.
When the event started, it became very apparent that Rand Paul is popular in Idaho. People started streaming in! We had so many people show up that had to open up another room for overflow. We estimate that around 200 people tried to get into the event. It was so big it was getting out of control.
State Chairman Barry Peterson made it in, giving a little speech. So did Senators Risch and Crapo. (Governor Otter was nowhere to be found.)
When Rand Paul was ready to come in, I was proud to be able to escort him from his hotel room to the event. We quickly took some pictures with the RLC board, then Rand took the mic, shared a few anecdotes, took some pics, signed some autographs, and shook some hands before he was whisked away to the main event at the Kibbe Dome.
For an event I put together at the last minute, I'd have to say it was a rousing success! The RLC raised a ton of money from the entrance fees, from people joining the RLC at the door and paying dues, and from T-Shirt sales. Sen. Paul was generous enough to donate five autographed copies of his book, "The Tea Party Goes to Washington" that we were able to auction off at the event. Our big ticket items, however, were two framed copies of the US Constitution that had been autographed by Dick Heller, the famous Plaintiff from the Supreme Court case DC v Heller that reaffirmed our 2nd Amendment Rights. Rand also signed them at the event, and they raised over $600 at auction! (Thanks to RLC Vice Chair Phil Hart for donating the items.)
Senator Paul went on to play another packed house at the State Convention dinner banquet that night. His popularity at these events makes me hopeful for the future of our country. The seeds planted by Ron Paul in 2008 have grown into a nationwide movement that is seriously advocating limited government and individual rights. The fact that Rand Paul is spoken of as a frontrunner for the Republican Presidential nomination in 2016 by the liberal mainstream media (!) shows that our hard work is paying off. Our tireless advocacy of libertarian policy is changing hearts and minds around this nation. It has made libertarianism mainstream. It has put the White House in our sites!
Please consider joining the Republican Liberty Caucus of Idaho today. The RLC of Idaho is the fastest growing charter in the country. We support principled liberty Republicans in office today such as Rep. Raul Labrador, Rep. Justin Amash, Rep. Thomas Massie, Sen. Mike Lee, Sen. Ted Cruz, and of course Sen. Rand Paul. (If you don't know who some of these new leaders are, do yourself a favor and google them!) Our historical champions include Ron Paul, Ronald Reagan, and Barry Goldwater.
Join today by clicking this link, and help us remain "the conscience of the GOP!"
Ryan Davidson
Region 4 Chairman
RLC Idaho
I reached out to the campaign, who said that even though nearly every minute of his time in Moscow was booked, that could spare us 20 minutes on Friday evening if I could deliver a good turnout.
I got this confirmation Thursday afternoon.
So with less than 24 hours to plan an event, I got to work building a meet and greet around his schedule.
Of course I had promised a big turnout, but I honestly had no idea if I could get one with such short notice.
RLC members started sending out emails and making facebook posts. I took the mic at a couple of the committee hearings Friday morning to announce the event. And that was about the extent of our promotion.
We decided to make the event free for RLC members, and $5 for everyone else. I booked the "Gold Room" at the convention hotel (the same room Huckabee had been in the night before) and much to my pleasant surprise, the Paul campaign generously offered to pick up the tab for the whole event.
I had originally scheduled the event for one hour (with Rand appearing at the last 20 minutes) but then started to wonder if we might actually get a big crowd, so I changed it to two hours in case we needed more time to process people.
When the event started, it became very apparent that Rand Paul is popular in Idaho. People started streaming in! We had so many people show up that had to open up another room for overflow. We estimate that around 200 people tried to get into the event. It was so big it was getting out of control.
State Chairman Barry Peterson made it in, giving a little speech. So did Senators Risch and Crapo. (Governor Otter was nowhere to be found.)
When Rand Paul was ready to come in, I was proud to be able to escort him from his hotel room to the event. We quickly took some pictures with the RLC board, then Rand took the mic, shared a few anecdotes, took some pics, signed some autographs, and shook some hands before he was whisked away to the main event at the Kibbe Dome.
For an event I put together at the last minute, I'd have to say it was a rousing success! The RLC raised a ton of money from the entrance fees, from people joining the RLC at the door and paying dues, and from T-Shirt sales. Sen. Paul was generous enough to donate five autographed copies of his book, "The Tea Party Goes to Washington" that we were able to auction off at the event. Our big ticket items, however, were two framed copies of the US Constitution that had been autographed by Dick Heller, the famous Plaintiff from the Supreme Court case DC v Heller that reaffirmed our 2nd Amendment Rights. Rand also signed them at the event, and they raised over $600 at auction! (Thanks to RLC Vice Chair Phil Hart for donating the items.)
Senator Paul went on to play another packed house at the State Convention dinner banquet that night. His popularity at these events makes me hopeful for the future of our country. The seeds planted by Ron Paul in 2008 have grown into a nationwide movement that is seriously advocating limited government and individual rights. The fact that Rand Paul is spoken of as a frontrunner for the Republican Presidential nomination in 2016 by the liberal mainstream media (!) shows that our hard work is paying off. Our tireless advocacy of libertarian policy is changing hearts and minds around this nation. It has made libertarianism mainstream. It has put the White House in our sites!
Please consider joining the Republican Liberty Caucus of Idaho today. The RLC of Idaho is the fastest growing charter in the country. We support principled liberty Republicans in office today such as Rep. Raul Labrador, Rep. Justin Amash, Rep. Thomas Massie, Sen. Mike Lee, Sen. Ted Cruz, and of course Sen. Rand Paul. (If you don't know who some of these new leaders are, do yourself a favor and google them!) Our historical champions include Ron Paul, Ronald Reagan, and Barry Goldwater.
Join today by clicking this link, and help us remain "the conscience of the GOP!"
Ryan Davidson
Region 4 Chairman
RLC Idaho
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Friday, April 24, 2015
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Transcript of Rand Paul's announcment speech about seeking the Republican nomination for President of the United States of America
A Different Kind of Republican, Will Defeat the Washington Machine to Unleash the American Dream
LOUISVILLE, KY – U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) today announced that he will seek the Republican nomination for President of the United States of America. Transcript as prepared for delivery can be found below.
I have a message!
A message that is loud and clear and does not mince words!
We’ve come to take our country back!
We’ve come to take our country back from the special interests that use Washington as their personal piggy bank.
The special interests that are more concerned with their personal welfare than the general welfare.
The Washington machine that gobbles up our freedoms and invades every nook and cranny of our lives —must be stopped!
Less than 5 years ago, I stood just down the road in Bowling Green and said those same words after I won my primary.
Less than 5 years ago, I stood just down the road in Bowling Green and said those same words after I won my primary.
I wasn’t supposed to win. No one thought I would. Some people asked me then — why are you running?
The answer is the same now as it was then.
I have a vision for America. I want to be part of a return to prosperity. A true economic boom that lifts all Americans.
A return to a government restrained by The Constitution. A return to privacy, opportunity and liberty!
Too often, when Republicans have won, we’ve squandered our victory by becoming part of the Washington machine.
That’s not who I am. That’s not why I ran for office for the first time, just a few years ago.
The truth is, I loved my life as a small town doctor.
Every day when I woke up, I felt lucky to be able to do the things I loved. More importantly, I was blessed to be able to do things that made a difference in people’s lives as a physician…
I never could have done any of this without the help of my parents who are here today. I’d like you to join me in thanking my Mom and Dad for all their help and support through the years…
With my parents help, I was able to make it through long years of medical training to finally become an eye surgeon.
For me, there is nothing that compares with helping someone see better.
Last August, I traveled to Guatemala on a medical mission trip, and together with a team of surgeons from across the US, operated on more than two hundred people who were blind or nearly blind from cataracts. I was grateful to be able to put on my scrubs, peer into the oculars of the microscope, and focus on the task at hand – to take a surgical approach and fix a problem!
One day, in Guatemala, a man arrived and told me that I had operated on his wife the day before.
His wife could see clearly for the first time in years and she had begged him to get on the bus with her and travel the winding mountain roads back to our temporary surgery center.
He too, was nearly blind from hardened cataracts. After his surgery the next morning, his wife sat beside me as I unveiled the patch from his eyes.
It was a powerful, emotional moment for me to see them looking at each other clearly for the first time in years.
To see the face they loved again. As I saw the joy on their eyes, I thought: this is why I became a doctor.
In that moment, I also remembered my grandmother, who inspired me to become an eye surgeon.
She spent hours with me as a child, telling me stories as we sorted through her old coin collections, looking for wheat pennies and Indian Heads.
As her vision began to fail, I became her eyes to inspect the faintness of mintmarks on old weather-worn coins.
I went with my grandmother to the ophthalmologist, as she had her corneas replaced.
I was also with her when she received the sad news that macular degeneration had done irreparable damage to her eyes.
My hope that my grandmother would see again made me want to become an eye surgeon…to make a difference in people’s lives.
I have been fortunate to be able to enjoy the American Dream. I worry, though, that opportunity and hope are slipping away for our sons and daughters.
As I watch our once great economy collapse under mounting spending and debt, I think, what kind of America will our grandchildren see?
It seems to me that both parties and the entire political system are to blame.
It seems to me that both parties and the entire political system are to blame.
Big government and debt doubled under a Republican administration and is now tripling under Barack Obama’s watch.
President Obama is on course to add more debt than all the previous Presidents in history– combined.
President Obama is on course to add more debt than all the previous Presidents in history– combined.
We borrow a million dollars a minute. This vast accumulation of debt threatens not just our economy, but our security.
We can wake up now and do the right thing — quit spending money we don’t have — or we can stand idly by and watch our once great nation wither and fail.
This message of liberty is for Americans from all walks of life.
The message of liberty, opportunity and justice is for all Americans, whether you wear a suit, a uniform or overalls, whether you’re white or black, rich or poor.
In order to restore America . . . one thing is for certain:
In order to restore America . . . one thing is for certain:
We cannot, we must not, dilute our message or give up our principles!
If we nominate a candidate who is simply “Democrat-lite,” what’s the point? Why bother?
We need to boldly proclaim our vision for America!
We need to go boldly forth under a banner of liberty that clutches the Constitution in one hand, and the Bill of Rights in the other!
Washington is horribly broken. I fear it cannot be fixed from within. We, the people, must rise up and demand action.
Washington is horribly broken. I fear it cannot be fixed from within. We, the people, must rise up and demand action.
Congress will never balance the budget unless you force them to do so.
Congress has an abysmal record with balancing anything.
Our only recourse is to force Congress to balance the budget with a Constitutional Amendment!
I have been to Washington and let me tell you — there is no monopoly of knowledge there.
I have been to Washington and let me tell you — there is no monopoly of knowledge there.
I ran for office because we have too many career politicians.
I believe it now more than ever.
We limit the President to two terms. It’s about time we limit the terms of Congress!
I want to reform Washington. I want common sense rules that will break the log-jam in Congress.
That’s why I introduced a Read the Bills Act.
The bills are thousands of pages long. And no one reads them. They are often plopped on our desks only a few hours before a vote.
I’ve proposed something truly extraordinary…
Let’s Read the bills, every page!
From the time I was a very young boy, I was taught to love and to appreciate America. Love of liberty pulses in my veins.
Not because we have beautiful mountains or white sand beaches, and not because of our abundance of resources, it’s more visceral than that.
Our great nation was founded upon the extraordinary notion that government should be restrained and freedom should be expanded.
America, to me, is that beacon.
We are unique among nations in that our country stands for freedom.
Freedom nurtured our country from a rebellious group of colonies into the world’s greatest nation.
When tyranny threatened the world, America led the way to rid the world of Nazi and Fascist regimes during World War Two.
Resolutely, we stood decade after decade against Communism — the engine of capitalism finally winning out against the sputtering, incompetent engine of socialism.
We won the Cold War. America and Freedom are so intertwined that people literally are dying to come to America.
We won the Cold War. America and Freedom are so intertwined that people literally are dying to come to America.
The freedom we’ve fostered in America has unleashed genius and advancement like never before.
Yet, our great nation still needs new ideas and new answers to old problems.
From an early age, I worked. I taught swimming lessons, mowed lawns and did landscaping. I put roofs on houses. I painted houses.
I never saw work as punishment. Work always gave me a sense of who I am. Self-esteem can’t be given, it must be earned. Work is not punishment. Work IS the reward.
Two of my sons work minimum wage jobs while they go to college. I am proud of them as I see them realize the value of hard work. I can see their self-esteem grow as they cash their paychecks.
I have a vision for America where everyone who wants to work will have a job!
Many Americans, though, are being left behind. The reward of work seems beyond their grasp. Under the watch of both parties – the poor seem to get poorer and the rich get richer.
Trillion dollar government stimulus packages have only widened the income gap.
Politically connected cronies get taxpayer dollars by the hundreds of millions, and poor families across America continue to suffer.
I have a different vision. An ambitious vision. A vision that will offer opportunity to all Americans, especially those who have been left behind.
My plan includes, Economic Freedom Zones to allow impoverished areas like Detroit, West Louisville, and Eastern Kentucky to prosper by leaving more money in the pockets of the people who live there, by helping these poverty stricken areas to bail themselves out.
Can you imagine what a billion-dollar stimulus could do for Detroit? Or for Appalachia?
I am convinced that most Americans want to work. I want to free up the great engine of American prosperity.
I want to see millions of Americans back at work.
In my vision for America, we’ll bring back manufacturing jobs that pay well.
We will dramatically lower the tax on American companies that wish to bring profits home.
More than $2 TRILLION dollars in American profit currently sits overseas.
In my vision for America, new highways and bridges will be built across the country — not by raising your taxes but by lowering the repatriation tax and putting that revenue into the highway fund.
This tax cut has bipartisan support. Even in this polarized Congress, we have a chance of passing this.
I say, let’s bring $2 trillion dollars home…to America… now!!
Liberal policies have failed our inner cities. Our schools are not equal and the poverty gap continues to widen.
Martin Luther King spoke of two Americas. He described them as “two starkly different American experiences that exist side by side.”
In one America people experience “the opportunity of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
In the other America, people experience a “daily ugliness” that dashes hope and leaves only “the fatigue of despair.”
Although I was born into the America that experiences and believes in opportunity, my trips to Detroit, Appalachia, and Chicago have revealed what I call an ‘undercurrent of unease.’
It is time for a new way, a way predicated on justice, opportunity and freedom!
Those of us who have enjoyed the American Dream must break down the wall that separates us from “the other America.”
I want all our children to have the same opportunities that I had. We need to stop limiting kids in poor neighborhoods to failing public schools and offer school choice, not just for the privileged, but for everyone!
It won’t happen, though, unless we realize that we can’t borrow our way to prosperity.
Currently some $3 trillion comes in to the U.S. Treasury in taxes.
Currently some $3 trillion comes in to the U.S. Treasury in taxes.
Couldn’t the country survive on just $3 trillion dollars?
I propose we do something truly extraordinary — let’s just spend what comes in!
In my Vision for America, Freedom and prosperity at home can only be achieved if we defend against enemies who are dead-set on attacking America.
Without question, we must defend ourselves and American interests from our enemies.
Until we name the enemy, we can’t win the war. The enemy is a barbarous aberration.
The enemy is Radical Islam and not only will I name the enemy, I will do what ever it takes to defend America from these haters of mankind!
We need a National Defense robust enough to defend against all attack, modern enough to deter all enemies, and nimble enough to defend our vital interests.
But we also need a foreign policy that protects American interests and encourages stability — not chaos!
At home conservatives understand that government is the problem, not the solution.
Conservatives should not succumb to the notion that a government inept at home will somehow succeed in building nations abroad.
I envision an America with a National Defense unparalleled, undefeatable, and unencumbered by overseas nation building!
I envision a National Defense that promotes, as Reagan put it, ‘Peace through Strength.’
I believe in applying Ronald Reagan’s approach to foreign policy to the Iran issue.
Successful negotiations with untrustworthy adversaries are only achieved from a position of strength.
We brought Iran to the table from strength, through sanctions I voted for.
Now we must stay strong. That’s why I co-sponsored legislation that insures that any deal between the US and Iran must be approved by Congress.
Not only is that good policy, it is the law.
It concerns me that the Iranians have a different interpretation of the agreement than the Obama state department. It concerns me that they may attempt to unilaterally and prematurely halt sanctions.
I will oppose any deal that does not end Iran’s nuclear ambitions and have strong verification measures. I will insist that any final version be brought before Congress.
The difference between President Obama and myself-he seems to think you can negotiate from a position of weakness.
Yet, everyone needs to realize that negotiations are not inherently bad, that trust but verify is required in any negotiation but that our goal always should be and always is . . . peace not war!
We must realize, though, that we do not project strength by borrowing money from China to send it to Pakistan.
Let’s quit building bridges in foreign countries and use that money to build some bridges here at home!
It angers me to see mobs burning our flag and chanting death to America in countries that receive millions of dollars of our foreign aid.
I say it must end. I say not one penny more to these haters of America!
To defend our country, we need to gather intelligence on the enemy.
But when the Intelligence Director is not punished for lying under oath, how are we to trust our government agencies?
Warrantless searches of American’s phone and computer records are un-American and a threat to our civil liberties.
I say, that your phone records are yours. I say the phone records of law-abiding citizens — are none…of their damn…business!
The President created this vast dragnet by Executive Order. As President…on day one…I will immediately end this unconstitutional surveillance!
I believe we can have liberty and security, and I will not compromise your liberty for a false sense of security. Not now… not ever!
We must defend ourselves, but we must never give up who we are as a people, we must never diminish the Bill of Rights as we fight this long war against evil.
We must believe in our founding documents. We must protect economic and personal liberty again.
America has much greatness left in her.
We are still exceptional and we are still a beacon for the world. We will thrive when we believe in ourselves again.
I see an America strong enough to deter foreign aggression, yet wise enough to avoid unnecessary intervention.
I see an America where criminal justice is applied equally, and any law that disproportionately incarcerates people of color is repealed!
I see an America with a restrained IRS that cannot target and harass American citizens for their political or religious beliefs.
I see a simplified flat tax that unburdens our citizens.
I see our big cities once again shining and beckoning with creativity and ingenuity, with American companies offering American jobs.
With your help, this message will ring from coast to coast — a message of liberty, justice and personal responsibility.
Today begins the journey to take back America, to rescue a great country, now adrift.
Join me as together we seek a new vision for America!
Today, I announce, with God’s help,
…with the help of liberty-lovers everywhere . . .
…with the help of liberty-lovers everywhere . . .
That I am putting myself forward as a candidate for President of the United States of America. . .
If you love liberty, Stand with me!
If you want the Bill of Rights to guarantee justice for all, Stand with me!
If you want to defeat the Washington machine, Stand with me!
God bless you. God Bless America.
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